We thought we'd try out the Discovery Bay Golf Course to Mui Wo walk, which we found on our Countryside Series map. Picking up the trail was easy. It starts from the last flyover approaching the golf club.
Then it petered off. Fifteen minutes or so into the walk, the trail came to a dead end, right smack against a huge construction site (I think it was for the Discovery Bay super luxury homes, as reported in the SCMP). I didn't take any photos because we were busy trying to find the path again.Finally we ended up walking along the fence to end up... ON the golf course, dodging flying balls and puzzled golfers. We thought we'd be able to pick up the trail again somewhere down the road but the course went on and on.
Thankfully a golf course operative came along on his buggy and offered (more like ordered) us into the buggy and off the course. Thankfully... because as he later told us, the course was a 27-hole one. We would have been walking for hours without finding either the clubhouse or the trail.
After a good 10 minutes on the buggy, he took us to the edge of the course, showed us Mui Wo and helped us make our way though the bushes.
It was scary having no trail to follow. I had mental images of us getting hopelessly lost and having to call for a rescue helicopter.
Then Buffalo Wilbur spotted what looked like a path and we scrabbled down the hill to meet it. And wow, a distance marker!
Tung Chung in the distance.
We walked and walked. I was getting worried because it was getting dark and we had no idea which trail we were on. Then we met one guy walking the other way, radio blaring. Civilisation!
Turned out we were on the Lok Fu Tau trail.
Phew! A familiar marker!

Usually my posts are about what to do but this is about what NOT to do. The Discovery Bay folks appear to have killed this popular trail. I hope they revive it once the construction is complete but I wouldn't hold my breath.